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Gene@home is a scientific project belonging to the infrastructure TrentoGrid. It is aimed to expand networks of genes, and to perform this task it exploits the computational power of volunteers through the BOINC platform, which allows distributed computing.
The experiment is done on the plant Arabidopsis Thaliana.
Every living being has a genetic code and a set of
genes, which are needed to produce proteins starting from coded pieces of information. Genes are necessary for life and maintenance of organisms and are expressed inside cells: the contained information is transcribed and translated into proteins.
The gene@home project is an implementation of the PC-IM algorithm, whose purpose is to expand Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN). Each network is a graph that specifies the causal relationships inside this set of genes, and helps in studying the gene expression phenomenon: the process through which the DNA is transcribed into RNA and the RNA translated into proteins.
To learn more about the algorithms behind the project Gene@home em>
To find out the results that we have been able so far to get to the GENE project and see a list of the data provided by the project
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