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Validation problems (roadmap) application+server
(Message 240)
Posted 3 Jan 2014 by Trung I queried database manually, only use script for extracting and comparing two files. I take about 1 hour for 30 workunits with 70 results. |
Message boards :
Development :
Validation problems (roadmap) application+server
(Message 236)
Posted 3 Jan 2014 by Trung I did statistic on inconclusive workunits because I think it's also easy for application group to check bug. We have 30 inconclusive workunits for application version 2. Most of different results come from a pair of Windows vs Linux (One result runs on Windows while another runs on Linux, both use 64 bit version and Intel processor) - 25 cases. However, these differences are small, a few edges are added to each graph. There are 4 cases come from a pair of Window/AMD and Linux/Intel. It may caused by the difference of Window and Linux because in Workunit 22345, result from Window/AMD and from Window/Intel are the same. There are 3 cases which results run on same OS are different. All 3 differences are very large, might caused by application bug: Wu 23255 - Rs 37169, Wu 23117 - Rs 37229, Wu 23056 - Rs 36786. Although the main source of difference come from pair of Windows and Linux, it not imply that they are always different. Host 21 (Linux/Intel Core i7) and host 39 (Windows7/Intel Core i7) work together in 24 workunits. They agree in 6 and disagree in 18 workunits. Results are same for 33%. For more details: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AulsPzT-4D4ydFNsOXlGV3ZjY3MwTF9ObXhEcDF3X0E&usp=drive_web#gid=0 |
Message boards :
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Meeting proposal - Dec 30, 15:00, at my office
(Message 201)
Posted 27 Dec 2013 by Trung It's also fine for me |
Message boards :
Development :
validation issues in 0.02
(Message 184)
Posted 25 Dec 2013 by Trung For detail, take Wu 23056 as an example. We have three output results. 1. Expansion_At2_work-1387833585.xml_pn19926_0_0 runs on GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz [Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] with x86_64-pc-linux-gnu platform. 2. Expansion_At2_work-1387833585.xml_pn19926_1_0 runs on GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz [Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] with windows_x86_64 platform. 3. Expansion_At2_work-1387833585.xml_pn19926_2_0 runs on AuthenticAMD AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor [Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0] with windows_x86_64 platform
Message boards :
Development :
Things to do (or to check) for server and application before massive testing
(Message 41)
Posted 11 Dec 2013 by Trung I want to ask about the way we provide credits for "Anonymous platform". http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Anonymous_platform. Because they will not use our application. |
Message boards :
Development :
Things to do (or to check) for server and application before massive testing
(Message 37)
Posted 9 Dec 2013 by Trung About: limit somehow the number of distributed wu (no too big client caches now) say max 2 per host per core (just an idea) I think, we can add a option in 'config.xml' with N is number of task per host per core (logical core): <max_wus_in_progress> N </max_wus_in_progress> Tested on boinc client of Ubuntu and Windows XP. |
Message boards :
Development :
Things to do (or to check) for server and application before massive testing
(Message 33)
Posted 5 Dec 2013 by Trung [About Rename the Project] I find a way to change a project's name and project's URL while maintaining the forum content and user's credit. Users need to remove old project from boinc-client and add the new one. Tested on Boinc Virtual Machine. For example, we want to change the name from 'test' to 'gene'. The URL becomes 'http://gene.disi.unitn.it/gene/' Stop the project and take the website down >> ./bin/stop
>> su -c 'apache2ctl -k stop' Create backup and change the name of project folder >> cp -Rp test/ gene/
>> sudo chown www-data:boincadm gene/log_debian6/scheduler.log
>> sudo chown www-data:boincadm gene/log-debian6/file_upload_handler.log Create new database named 'gene' and copy data from 'test'. (Keep 'test' as a backup) >> mysql -u root -p
>> create database gene;
>> grant all on `gene`.* to 'boincadm'@'localhost';
>> exit
>> mysqldump -u boincadm --single-transaction test | mysql -u boincadm gene Create backup and change /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (or virtual host) >> su
>> cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.old
Replace all Alias and Directory for the project.
Alias /test /home/boincadm/projects/test/html/user -> Alias /gene /home/boincadm/projects/gene/html/user
.... Change the config.xml Replace all URL and directory in config.xml with the new one in
<upload_dir>, <cgi_url>, <upload_url>, <download_url>, <log_dir>, <app_dir>, <download_dir>, <master_url>
Change <db_name> from 'test' to 'gene'
Change <long_name> (project name) from 'test' to 'gene' If we have project skin http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/ProjectSkin. We also need change project.xml to correct the URL for downloaded logo or image. Replace the scheduler URL in 'html/users/schedulers.txt'. Its prefix should match the URL in <cgi_url> in config.xml Correct the path in 'bin/boinc_path_config.py' to make python script run. Correct the path in crontab (crontab -e) Find all missing link in folder gene and fix. For example: stop -> /home/boincadm/projects/test/bin/start becomes stop -> /home/boincadm/projects/gene/bin/start Correct the path to .htpasswd in html/ops/.htaccess Find and replace all incorrect URLs in database >> mysql -u boincadm -p
>> use gene;
>> UPDATE result SET xml_doc_in = REPLACE (xml_doc_in,"","")
>> UPDATE result SET xml_doc_out = REPLACE (xml_doc_out,"","")
>> UPDATE workunit SET xml_doc = REPLACE(xml_doc,"","")
>> UPDATE app_version SET xml_doc = REPLACE(xml_doc, "", ""); Delete everything in html/cache, since cached pages may have links to the old URL >> rm -rf html/cache/* Run apache and project >> su -c 'apache2ctl -k start'
>> ./bin/start