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Message boards : Development : Things to do (or to check) for server and application before massive testing
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in random order (no implicit priority) | |
ID: 25 · Reply Quote | |
This post will be updated as we complete things, and serves as a list on what needs to be done by the server group. | |
ID: 26 · Reply Quote | |
Now the Linux 32 bit is working! :) | |
ID: 27 · Reply Quote | |
in random order (no implicit priority) Both tested and working! | |
ID: 28 · Reply Quote | |
These thing are done and tested to work: | |
ID: 30 · Reply Quote | |
About the validator | |
ID: 31 · Reply Quote | |
[About Rename the Project] >> ./bin/stop
>> su -c 'apache2ctl -k stop' Create backup and change the name of project folder >> cp -Rp test/ gene/
>> sudo chown www-data:boincadm gene/log_debian6/scheduler.log
>> sudo chown www-data:boincadm gene/log-debian6/file_upload_handler.log Create new database named 'gene' and copy data from 'test'. (Keep 'test' as a backup) >> mysql -u root -p
>> create database gene;
>> grant all on `gene`.* to 'boincadm'@'localhost';
>> exit
>> mysqldump -u boincadm --single-transaction test | mysql -u boincadm gene Create backup and change /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (or virtual host) >> su
>> cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.old
Replace all Alias and Directory for the project.
Alias /test /home/boincadm/projects/test/html/user -> Alias /gene /home/boincadm/projects/gene/html/user
.... Change the config.xml Replace all URL and directory in config.xml with the new one in
<upload_dir>, <cgi_url>, <upload_url>, <download_url>, <log_dir>, <app_dir>, <download_dir>, <master_url>
Change <db_name> from 'test' to 'gene'
Change <long_name> (project name) from 'test' to 'gene' If we have project skin http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/ProjectSkin. We also need change project.xml to correct the URL for downloaded logo or image. Replace the scheduler URL in 'html/users/schedulers.txt'. Its prefix should match the URL in <cgi_url> in config.xml Correct the path in 'bin/boinc_path_config.py' to make python script run. Correct the path in crontab (crontab -e) Find all missing link in folder gene and fix. For example: stop -> /home/boincadm/projects/test/bin/start becomes stop -> /home/boincadm/projects/gene/bin/start Correct the path to .htpasswd in html/ops/.htaccess Find and replace all incorrect URLs in database >> mysql -u boincadm -p
>> use gene;
>> UPDATE result SET xml_doc_in = REPLACE (xml_doc_in,"","")
>> UPDATE result SET xml_doc_out = REPLACE (xml_doc_out,"","")
>> UPDATE workunit SET xml_doc = REPLACE(xml_doc,"","")
>> UPDATE app_version SET xml_doc = REPLACE(xml_doc, "", ""); Delete everything in html/cache, since cached pages may have links to the old URL >> rm -rf html/cache/* Run apache and project >> su -c 'apache2ctl -k start'
>> ./bin/start | |
ID: 33 · Reply Quote | |
About the score compute by the client, we implement an md5 summary. So, now the file "score.txt" looks like "1.234567e9 4da1733d0560c8f8cc9606b5e585711d" .We will explain to the server how to compute the md5 summary in order to prevent tampering. | |
ID: 34 · Reply Quote | |
For example, we want to change the name from 'test' to 'gene'. The URL becomes 'http://gene.disi.unitn.it/gene/' 'gene' will be simply 'boinc'. Sometime in the future we will move the whole system from the virtual machine to a 'real' one and the public url will be something like 'tn-grid.tn.cnr.it/boinc'. ('tn-grid' is just a tentative name, maybe just 'grid', I don't know...). BTW this procedure is not really simple, but probably it's the only way to do this... When we will be ready to do this we have to coordinate. Some things must obviously done by root. | |
ID: 35 · Reply Quote | |
About the score compute by the client, we implement an md5 summary. So, now the file Ok. That's fine. | |
ID: 36 · Reply Quote | |
About: limit somehow the number of distributed wu (no too big client caches now) say max 2 per host per core (just an idea) I think, we can add a option in 'config.xml' with N is number of task per host per core (logical core): <max_wus_in_progress> N </max_wus_in_progress> Tested on boinc client of Ubuntu and Windows XP. | |
ID: 37 · Reply Quote | |
I want to ask about the way we provide credits for "Anonymous platform". http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Anonymous_platform. Because they will not use our application. | |
ID: 41 · Reply Quote | |
I want to ask about the way we provide credits for "Anonymous platform". http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Anonymous_platform. Because they will not use our application. The "Anonymous platform" is a mechanism that will enable 'skilled' users to change workunit parameters and build their own executables. Through the anonymous platform file, or app_info.xml file, you tell BOINC which downloaded or self-built applications and libraries it should use and to ignore anything that it is/was sent by the project. They can build up their (enhanced or optimized or even fake) application but its output has also to pass our validation scheme in order to be considered good. We will not provide source code (at least for now) so using the anonymous platform is pointless (and risky). I'm quite sure that there is a way to simply disable it server-side. Most boinc users will use the more simple and appropriate app_config.xml mechanism for fine tuning the application on their computers. | |
ID: 42 · Reply Quote | |
I was wondering: the URL to use in the "pre-opening by invitation" will be http://gene.disi.unitn.it/testor will be changed in something like http://gene.disi.unitn.it/geneathome? Wouldn't be better, since the idea is that TN-Grid groups all the BOINC projects, to have something like http://tngrid.disi.unitn.itand then specialise the URL with the project of interest, which will be http://tngrid.disi.unitn.it/geneathomeinstead of the current URL? | |
ID: 49 · Reply Quote | |
Now, being actually a test phase, with invitation codes, the name it's somewhat appropriate: | |
ID: 50 · Reply Quote | |
Ok, thanks | |
ID: 51 · Reply Quote | |
Message boards :
Development :
Things to do (or to check) for server and application before massive testing