Project status
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Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
feeder gene Running
transitioner gene Running
file_deleter gene Running
gene_work_generator gene Running
gene_validator (gene_pcim) gene Running
gene_assimilator (gene_pcim) gene Running
db_purge gene Running

Computing status

Work #
Tasks ready to send0
Tasks in progress0
Workunits waiting for validation0
Workunits waiting for assimilation0
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion0
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00
Users #
With credit3494
With recent credit28
Registered in past 24 hours1
Computers #
With credit69193
With recent credit23
Registered in past 24 hours15
Current GigaFLOPS2.47
Tasks by application
Application Unsent In progress Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours
gene@home PC-IM 0 0 --- 0

Task data as of 26 Jul 2024, 23:54:24 UTC

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