Quantum Plasma - The new nuclear bomb ?
Science is fundamentally an exciting topic...
However we have to consider how worthwhile our world is while experimenting !
Question does #quantum #plasma swirl & move fast enough to #smash #atoms & #selfseed ? like #nuclear #BOMB #news
Simply put the world is in danger from various factors like biological warfare and ignorance..,
Simply stated we do not actually know the exact quantification of a single experiment or run of experiment's potential dangers...
For example if we decode and code mankind will we do better than 2 billion years of evolution ?
What are the impacts of experimentation ? and should we carry out virtual experiments first ?
What are the bonding energies of atoms and what is the cohesion potential of quantum plasma ..
Furthermore what is the exact temperature for reseeding the big bang ? or automatically re seeding quantum or star plasma?
Aside from that what kind of energy/light does a 1 Billion degree energy source give off ? and is that dangerous ?
Paranoia is essentially caution gone wild & what of it ?
Rupert S
from : https://esa-space.blogspot.com/ |