Limit of tasks
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Message boards : Number crunching : Limit of tasks

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Message 699 - Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 13:59:59 UTC


I have a quadcore machine running TN-grid, that only has internet connection for an hour each day. So, it runs out of work (especially with the optimized apps, but also wuth regular app) since it can only get 32 tasks (an 8 per-CPU-limit). It crunches through 32 tasks in 6 hours or so.

Can the limit be raised to 32 tasks or so per CPU (in my case, 128 tasks for my machine daily)? That will keep my machine running full-time without adding additional projects.


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Message 700 - Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 17:10:06 UTC - in response to Message 699.
Last modified: 30 Dec 2016, 17:10:35 UTC


I have a quadcore machine running TN-grid, that only has internet connection for an hour each day. So, it runs out of work (especially with the optimized apps, but also wuth regular app) since it can only get 32 tasks (an 8 per-CPU-limit). It crunches through 32 tasks in 6 hours or so.

Can the limit be raised to 32 tasks or so per CPU (in my case, 128 tasks for my machine daily)? That will keep my machine running full-time without adding additional projects.


We have some reasons to keep the number of tasks for core so low. I may raise the number a little bit (say 12) but not too much. At the beginning of the next year, if everything works well, I will a) promote the optimized apps as default b) double the length of the workunits c) play a little bit with some selected boinc server parameters. Just be patient and the problem will be solved.

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Message 701 - Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 17:29:46 UTC - in response to Message 700.

I am sure you have your reasons for this limit and by all means, if it is better for the project, keep the current limit. Longer workunits will help. Thanks!

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