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User of the day

User profile Profile 25000ghz [Lombardia]
I'm Italian, I like Aruba


New experiment on Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) from Mus musculus
We just started two experiments (gene expansion) on two different datasets (rnaseq, riboseq). There will be a total of about 140k workunits (2x tasks), each one relatively fast, distributed in batches.
If interested please follow the discussion here:
13 Feb 2024, 9:56:35 UTC · Comment

Happy New Year!
Just a very brief update: People here are working on submitting papers, analyzing the FANTOM and Vitis vinifera data and so on. A nice Web application to look and play with the results is almost ready. Unfortunately there is yet no ETA on the new experiments to be done here.
Happy New Year to everybody listening!
29 Dec 2023, 15:47:21 UTC · Comment

Summer break
I just put the last Vitis vinifera genes into our queue. With the current pace it will take about a week, maybe less, to distribute them all. The new datasets are not ready yet... Also, I will be on vacation the next two weeks, and it wouldn't be advisable to start a new work without having the possibility to easily oversee the system.
Therefore, in a few days, the work generator will not be able to produce new tasks, only resends will be floating around.
I hope to be able to restart the system with a new project at the beginning of August.

Thank you all!
10 Jul 2023, 16:21:42 UTC · Comment

The Vespucci-2023 Vitis vinifera OneGenE experiment
The Vespucci-2023 Vitis vinifera OneGenE experiment is officially started, for more scientific info about it please look at this thread
Thank you all for your support!
15 May 2023, 17:14:30 UTC · Comment

Maintenance (filesystem and o.s.)
Right now that our queue is empty it is the perfect time to switch our filesystem to the new one and to upgrade the operating system of the server. This will probably happen the 2nd of May, for a couple of days. During this period the server may be down for awhile. After that, if everything will go smoothly, we plan to start distributing work again. 28 Apr 2023, 15:15:44 UTC · Comment

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