OneGenE experiments
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Profile FrancescoAsnicar [SSC11]
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Message 549 - Posted: 6 May 2016, 14:30:01 UTC

Hi all,

the current running experiments on the gene@home are part of the OneGenE project.

OneGenE aims at expanding each single gene of an organism.
The main idea of OneGenE is that if we compute the gene expansion list for each gene of an organism, we are then able to use these expansions multiple times, to produce the final expansion list of any local gene network.
With the previous gene network expansion methods, the results that we computed are affected by the knowledge of the local gene network inserted in each experiment. This means that, when we want to expand a different local gene network we cannot use the results that we already computed on the same organism. We need to schedule new ad hoc experiments for the new local gene network of interest.

With OneGenE, we should be able to build a public database containing the single expansions for each gene of an organism, possibly in the future, for more than one organism.
With this public database, we could offer the possibility to produce a gene network expansion list, by combining the single expansion already computed.

The first organism that we selected for the OneGenE project, that is running on the gene@home project, is Escherichia coli.
As of today, we computed about 600 single gene expansions out of about 4100 genes present in the E. coli, thanks to your support to the gene@home project.

If you have any doubts or you want more information, we are available to discuss.

Many thanks,

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Message 550 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 15:17:07 UTC

Thank you for this update, I'm very interested in the purpose of the project.

So you are computing models of expansion of local gene networks: do you still need to modulate computing power to laboratory needs or this phase does need only huge computing power?

I suggest you to put in the "server status" page the status of the research, maybe putting the decreasing number of gene still to expand, I think is very useful to sprone users to contribute.

Have luck, I will continue my support.

Profile [VENETO] boboviz
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Message 551 - Posted: 14 May 2016, 14:14:19 UTC - in response to Message 550.

I suggest you to put in the "server status" page the status of the research, maybe putting the decreasing number of gene still to expand, I think is very useful to sprone users to contribute.


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Message 2946 - Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 4:59:48 UTC

Will we be able to help with computing the local gene networks for OneGeneE when the current tasks are complete?

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